Teaching at MPI Leipzig 2022/23
IMPRS Ringvorlesung Multimarginal Optimal Transport and Applications, MPI MiS Leipzig (course website at MPI MiS)
Teaching at Leipzig University 2022
- Calculus of Variations
- Harmonic Analysis
- Statistical Mechanics of Disordered Spin Systems and Spin Glasses
Teaching at LMU Munich 2021/22
Please see my website at LMU Munich for details.
- Lecture Mathematics III for Physicists, LMU München (see my website at LMU Munich for details)
- Reading Seminar Optimal transport and applications
- Lecture Ordinary Differential Equations, LMU München
Past teaching activities
- In winter 2019/2020 I held the second part of the lecture Mathematics 3 for Physicists at Universität Leipzig.
- In summer 2018 I taught a course on Mathematical Topics in Kinetic Theory at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Exercise classes
In the past few years I have also been involved in organising and teaching exercise classes for several lectures:
- Gradient flows (at MPI MiS)
- Higher Mathematics I – III for Physicists, and for Electrical and Information Engineers (at KIT)
- Analysis III for Mathematicians (measure and integration theory, transformation of the Lebesgue integral, vector calculus, Stokes’ and Gauß’s theorems) (at KIT)
- Theory of Distributions (at KIT)